Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Unsuitable content

I'm still undecided on Windows Vista - it's a bit painful getting to know how to do those things that were intuitive in XP land.

One of the features that causes gnashing of teeth in our household is 'Family Safety' - a system that allows us to limit the websites that can be accessed from our computer. If the software decides that a website may be unsuitable it asks you if you are sure about it before allowing you to see it.

So today I tried to visit a website selling clerical shirts - I don't need any yet, but I thought it would be useful to know how much I'm going to have to spend on shirts next year.

However, Vista's opinion of a site that sells clergy shirts is that it "might contain content that your family may not approve of". I suppose the closest it might get to unsuitable content is a picture of a lady vicar with an unbuttoned collar....


Anonymous said...

Yet another of the reasons I jumped to Linux. Vista is the worst thing to happen to personal computing since the 5 1/4" floppy drive....

Beth said...

Thats absolutely crazy!