Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Last week of term

So I'm a still a little behind on blogging, but I'm getting there with the essays.

The last week of term, which appropriately was last week, was a little busy. Monday saw the Gospel Choir out singing in a shopping centre in Cambridge. Not sure if people knew why we were doing it, but it was fun singing at innocent shoppers for an hour, even if I had only learnt one song on the day, having never heard it before. And not a carol in sight, or sound.

Tuesday saw the non-first years having a half-day course on Managing Change in the Church - making us aware of how change is perceived by different types of people, and how to approach things so that people will want to engage with change rather than resist it every step of the way.

Wednesday was actually a day off - got lots of reading and writing done.

Thursday, not a chance of doing anything, with my diary packed full of little one-off meetings and events, starting with a Hall Meeting (all staff and students) and culminating in the annual Advent Carol Service and after that the Christmas Dinner/Party/Revue/Ceilidh. Which was nice, but the layout of Ridley offers little opportunity for mingling spaces. Suddenly it was all over, people had disappeared and we realised that we won't see most of them again for a month.

All those 'Happy Christmas' wishes remain unsaid.....

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