Saturday, 6 February 2010

Trouble at the top?

This window intersects my field of vision most days of the week - it's the east end of Ridley chapel. I gaze at it while waiting for things to start. I focus on different things - sometimes the different people, sometimes the tiny details, sometimes the shape of the stonework. In the winter I long for the summer mornings to come so that it is backlit by the rising sun. In the summer I wish that there were more buildings behind it because the sunlight is dazzling me!
Just recently I've noticed what's happening, but I don't know why. The figures, from left to right, are: St Peter, St Matthew, Jesus, St Luke, and St Paul. But Paul has obviously fallen out with Jesus about something, as all the others are looking towards Jesus - Paul is the only one with his head turned away.
Answers on a postcard please!


Jane said...

maybe he was supposed to be on the other side but they put the glass in the wrong place?

Anonymous said...

St Paul is the missionary so he is looking outwards into the world. The Other apostles testify in and look to Jesus showing the way to Him.

Maybe wrong, but perhaps a subtle theological point on behalf of the designer?